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What needs to be completed before I can try out?

All prospective student-athletes must have an account in RegisterMyAthlete in order to complete all registration requirements – including a current AIA Physical Examination and Questionnaire.

The coaching staff does not clear athletes. Please complete the Athletic Clearance requirements as far in advance as possible. Keep in mind that the closer it is to tryouts, the longer it will take to verify all documents and signatures. If you upload everything on the first day of practice, it might not be approved until the next day.

Does a player need to attend all the tryout sessions that are listed? What should they do if they are not cleared on time?

All prospective athletes need to attend ALL tryout sessions until otherwise notified by the coaching staff. Failure to attend all sessions for any reason could adversely effect any potential placement on a team.

If an athlete will miss tryouts for any reason, please contact the Coaching Staff as soon as possible. Please note that family vacations will not be deemed acceptable reasons for missing tryouts.

If not cleared, players are encouraged to sit and watch the tryouts to understand the drills and concepts that will be taught. Once they are cleared to participate, an alternative tryout may be arranged if the final Team Selections have not been posted.

Will a player be penalized if they were not able to attend the volleyball camps and off-season training?


While off-season participation may help an athlete at the Player Evaluations, it will never hurt an athlete’s chances to make a team during the evaluations.

Athletes that took advantage of the Off-Season Program’s training opportunities are generally more physically fit and have a deeper understanding of the Combs Volleyball system. This is what sets them apart; not their attendance.

Can a freshman or sophomore tryout for the Varsity Team?

Freshmen are not typically offered a spot on the Coyotes Varsity Team. Exceptional Freshman MAY be promoted during Team Selection or promoted to the Varsity Team during the season, but only after they have demonstrated the athletic ability and skill level, as well as the work ethic and maturity level to play at the Varsity level.

Sophomores may be promoted during Team Selection or or promoted to the Varsity Team during the season, but only after they have demonstrated the athletic ability and skill level, as well as their academic record and performance during their freshman season.

Is it true that players need to play club volleyball in order to make the team at Combs?

No. Don’t believe the hype.

Club volleyball is an individual commitment and may help enhance individual skills in the off-season, but it not required by this high school program. The main requirement for us is that players return from the previous season better than the previous season, and some club teams will do that better than others.

The physical testing (Athletic Ability) will level the playing field for multi-sport players without club experience. Each year we have many non-club players make the Junior Varsity and Novice teams.

If you are concerned about the “Club Volleyball Factor” at Combs High School, please contact the Coaching Staff. You will find that the perception of others is not necessarily the reality.

I don't know what position to tryout for. Or the other we get is the "I want to play {insert position here}" statement.

Prospective athletes do not tryout for positions here.

The coaching staff will evaluate all athletes and determine the best fit for the player and program.

The best advice we can give to all players is to be as well-rounded as possible and willing to do anything the coaching staff asks of them.

Are parents able to watch the tryout sessions?

While all practice sessions are closed to the public, parents are allowed to observe.

However, tryout sessions are not open to parents or spectators. The athletes (and coaches) are stressed enough and we don’t want to add to the stress level by allowing outside influences to watch.

Please keep in mind that there are also conversations taking place in the gym lobby related to tryouts. Please respect the privacy of the players and staff by waiting outside the athletic building for your daughter if asked to do so by the coaching staff.

If my daughter doesn’t make a team, do we get a refund of the participation fee?

Yes. The Bookstore will issue refunds (or apply to another sport) for all students that do not make the volleyball team.